The number one priority of breastfeeding moms is the ability be able to pump milk in order to feed their baby anywhere they go both discreetly and effectively. The Freemie Freedom Electric Breast Pump, manufactured by Dao Health, is the product that will give breastfeeding moms this much needed privacy whether they are in public or around friends and family so they can spend less time finding a place to pump and spend more time with their babies. Allowing the mom to pump while keeping all clothes intact and on, the Freemie Freedom Electric Breast Pump, which comes with patented Freemie Hands Free Concealable Collection Cups, is designed so that the collection cups fit right inside your nursing bra or under your clothes.
The Freemie Freedom Electric Breast Pump was also designed to be super sleek, which means it can be used for either single or double pumping and that will definetly speed up the pumping process. This is desirable especially if you are at work or out and about in public doing daily activities and don’t have alot of time to spare.
One of the best features of the Freemie Freedom Electric Breast Pump is that you can pump hands free.
All of the plastic parts of the Freemie Freedom Electric Breast Pump come with a warranty against defects in materials and workmanship but not for those items caused by ordinary wear and tear.
Features and Accessories:
- 64-inch integrated power cord (120-volt AC) (1)
- Freemie Collection Cups (2)
- 5 mm breast funnels (2), 28mm breast funnels (2)
- Valve bases (2)
- Valves (2)
- Spare valve (1)
- Freemie Freedom Connection Kit (1)
- Spare filter (1) Filters should be replaced when soiled